It is a lovely day. I am procrastinating, as usual, but I've become so skilled at it that I figure it's a shame not to keep practicing because otherwise I might lose the knack.
Here are the reasons it's such a lovely day:
*The sun is shining brightly, even though it's winter
*There are no clouds obscuring the sun
*I showered and I have really clean, fluffy hair as well as smooth legs.
*I have hours and hours to waste
*I'm seeing a show tonight with people I like/love
*I will do homework and it isn't going to be at all painful
*I'm home alone
*I fairly love my life.
I feel really whole lately.
In other news, I'm pretty sure my next door neighbour talks to himself. And whatever, fine, who doesn't? But it's a bit awkward. Because I was hanging the washing out just before and I could see him through the rather large gap in the fence, watering his plants, chatting away to himself. And I nearly answered him, because he kept asking himself questions really loudly. After a while I think he noticed I was there and he stopped abruptly. He's probably quite embarrassed. But I don't mind. But I can't exactly just go up to him and be like "Oh no, don't mind me, I talk to myself too, you carry on! It doesn't bother me at all." because even though those things are all true, he will still feel awkward, and I will still look like a wank. So I had to hang out the rest of my dad's jocks whilst avoiding his eyes and singing a little to myself to fill the silence. And he watered for so long you don't even know! Seriously, how much can there be to hose in a garden with a few pot plants and synthetic grass? Really now, water waster.