Thursday, May 27, 2010

Let them look at me. I will show them the meaning of strength.

Sometimes I wish I was really indie, just so that I wouldn't have to explain all of the abnormal things I like to do. But I don't really want people to think I'm a wanker, and you can't have both.

I've been thinking for ages about how I could use the word 'conducive' in a clever and relevant sentence here. I can't so I just wanted it to be known that I really like the word and really want to use it. I want to go to Muse so bad, and I realised today that I can totally afford it. But I'm not going to be in the country and neither is the person I could've gone with. So that plan sucks arse.

In other news I have badly I want to be this boy:

A lot of respect for you son, a lot of respect.

And these chillers have made my day, I want this so much.

Ohh, Lord. I am so happy from watching this. So, so happy.

I want to dance now. Dancedancedance.


Saturday, May 22, 2010

I have letters written to me, and they make me smile.

I uploaded heaps of photos just then, but they're from ages ago. I still want to put my fave ones up just because I can. It also made me realise how worthwhile taking pictures is. So, in no particular order, here is some of my life:

These are both of my baby cousin, her twin is my goddaughter, but she was sleeping at the time. This makes me feel like I haven't seen them in ages, I'll have to smother them with my love at some point. Maybe next Saturday would be good.

This was my favourite sculpture from the Ron Mueck exhibition that I went to see ages ago. It was incredible. The other one is just a painting in the foyer of the gallery which I liked because it was of the roof and I had a good time imagining how the painter painted it.

This is a fur cape which was *BORROWED* from school for a tribal themed party last night. I cannot explain how good it was. It was just so warm. I wasn't wearing much else to be honest and while everyone else was freezing, I was warm as because of this cape. Shame I'm returning it, I think I'm a bit in love with it. It was also helpful due to the fact that I went and stayed at a friend's house afterwards and it is so big that it could cover my whole body which meant that I and two blankets on, ergo I was really, really warm.

I'm not exactly sure why these pictures are like this. I know my camera is pretty bad, but I didn't think it was this bad. Oh well, I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually. In the mean time:

Ohhhh baby. Nick Dal Santo you iz fineee.
I hope they win tonight. Once when I was in Primary School they played the Dogs and lost by just a few points and I cried. I really love footy, and I am deeply saddened by their losing streak. But chin up boys, I still love you!

This is pretty much me all the time:
I just love tea.

So yeah, I'm really tired but not in a bad way. I feel content.
Do you ever ask yourself if you're a good person? I do all the time. I think I'm starting to finally form an answer.

Okay, lovers, have a lovely morning, day, evening, night, week, month, year or life.
I'll be seeing you :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Atheism is a non-prophet organisation.

I really like puns, guys. I heard a good one today but I can't remember it. But I'm glad I heard it, because seven days without a pun makes one weak.
Ok so that one wasn't as good quality but let's not be too quick to judge.
Anyway, what's new in my life? More accurate question, who even cares? Probably no one, but if you're reading this then you must be here for a reason and that's most likely to do with stalking. Maybe I can give you a few tantalising tit-bits to get the stalking juices flowing.
-Had a free period one and six today, it was the best. A certain Bear and I entertained ourselves greatly by filling Skunk's coffee with sugar. It was sweet as (Note further use of the pun)
-I have nothing to wear to a tribally themed party and I have no money. I'm so, so tempted to go nude but I think I might be freaking freezing/I don't really know everyone who's going.
-It's Moo's birthday and I love him bigger than the world.
-I saw an ex-lover today and was amused by the amount someone can change in a year, aka. turn into a gangsta. But was also pleasantly surprised with the manner in which I managed to deal with the situation. I like this me.
-I'm a bit lonely at present, and wouldn't mind an overly large hug from a few specific people. Maybe one specific person.
-I have a maths test tomorrow which I will hopefully pass and then all shall be well. Until the exams next week. Ayyee.

I remembered the pun. Wow, I can't believe I forgot it, how pathetic, my dad clearly tells me this all the time:
Did you hear about the guy who sent ten puns to friends, in the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh? Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.
Now really, what are dads for if not to make hilarious and terrible and often very rude jokes?
Nothing at all.
Not really, I love my dad :)

Also, really feeling a Laura Marling vibe lately;
He greets me with kisses when good days deceive him and sometimes with scorn and sometimes I believe him.
And sometimes I'm convinced my friends think I am crazy, get scared and call him but he's usually hazy.
By one in the morning day is not ended, by two he is scared and sleep is no friend, and by four he will drink but cannot feel it, sleep will not come because sleep does not will it and I dont believe him.
Morning is mocking me.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

One day I want to get rid of everything and have absolutely nothing and feel the extreme of it all, because I want to experience LIFE.

so stand on the edge with me, hold back your fear and see, nothing is real 'til it's gone.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.

That was a very scary/strange night for a number of reasons. The main one being that I dubbed Lana's part in the musical. It's quite a lot of singing, I can really understand why her voice is gone. People were lovey about it though. I know that I'm no Lana, but I think it could have been worse.
In other news, things that I have recently realised that I worry about:

& losing every possession I own because I suck.
Along with almost everyone I know. I worry for you. I think it might be because I know so many incredible people and I have been charmed by them all.

"Sometimes it's a form of love just to talk to somebody that you have nothing in common with and still be fascinated by their presence."
~David Byrne

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tired and a little bit fed up.

I always think that when I'm annoyed, it has to be my fault, because no one can force you to feel anything. People's actions are sort of a catalyst, but they can't make the change on their own. Therefore, any state of unhappiness that you feel is caused, started, manifested and fed by you. So don't complain when you're in a bad mood because it's no one's fault but your own. No one has the right to be rude to people because they are angry about something else, which I have been for the last couple of days and I really feel bad about it. But the greatest thing about people is that they are forgiving and understanding. Even if they won't admit it, people can't hold grudges for long without a reason. I hope that I can always forgive and forget, but never forget how to forgive because I need people to give and receive love. Everyone does, I think.

Oh God, I'm quite obviously extremely tired.
Night lovers.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

These are the days that bring life meaning.

I think I'm just really happy. I might even make a happy dance.

This is a dedication to my favourite boy, who is nearly 18 and whom I love:

There is a distinct chance I might just shrivel up and die without you.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's not unusual.

How much money would you pay for happiness? Would you pay everything you've got? You would have to, wouldn't you? But if you really think that money can make you happy then you wouldn't pay everything. Because then you would have none left, and then you wouldn't be happy.

What can I write about today? Shall I dazzle you with my humour, charm you with my wit? Shall I shock you with profanities or make you think deeply with my insight? Rather, today I think I will hardly blog. In fact, I'm going to go to bed and sleep and wake up in the morning and have a nice hot shower. You should try it, showers and sleep make life pleasant.

Can I just point out that that is a steam room?! Guys...I'm gettin' me one of those.
Night sunshine :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Rock Rock, Rock 'n Roll High School.

Would you still be my friend if I was a punk rocker?
Stop ignoring me. I want to be adored.
This is me, not studying, in the library, not studying.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Everyone is just so nice!

Chorals happened. It happened in an enormous way. Dryads won everything which was incredible and also felt really good because our madrigal conductor and directors as well as everyone involved had worked so hard. I am currently just so full of love! It's really great to win and the competition is half of what makes it so fun, but in truth, the real thrill comes from the performing in front of people you love. I am so proud of every single person involved in chorals because more than winning the cup, it's about putting on a show, and the shows we put on were full of different talents, laughter and joy. I really think that the way we handled the problem of a broken hall and a change of venue (for the first time in 73 years) really says a lot about the character, resiliance, adaptablilty and commitment of the girls from our school. I am full of pride and love to the brim, I think I'm going to swell and explode from how much I just love so many people. I hope everyone understands this because there just aren't enough words for me to tell you all how much I love you.
(Check out that Dryad tree. Bro! That's wacky cool. I feel like this needs to be on the house board.)

And everyone is just being so kind! People keep saying lovely things about the performance and I really, really appreciate it, but I don't know how to respond. I just. Love. Everyone. Gahh!
I really just want to have a huge rant about how much I love my life but I think that might get old and boring. But I'll just say one thing: Being alive is really, really great. everyone get onto that.

"Don't ask wat the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
-Howard Thurman