Several unrelated things I want to share.
1. NOM.
2. Have you ever told someone something that you've never told anyone else? I did recently. And I can tell you now that it was extremely liberating and frightening. Liberating because secrets like that can weigh on your soul and frightening because saying it out loud means that it is real. Sorry to be angsty and vague here, the point was that I feel kind of lighter now that I've told someone, but kind of scared that they'll tell. But the lightness is worth the risk I think. I want to say 'you should try it!' but I don't know if you should. It's scary. But I decided that I'm not afraid of scary. Does that make sense? Not at all, but I'm still glad I wrote it.
3. I was thinking about why I love the people that I love and I think I've got one of the reasons: Because they are flawed. Like me, like everyone. And my flaws and their flaws complement each other well. Take a fave for example. His strengths match my flaws. I'm strong where he's weak and visa versa. But lots of our major strengths and weaknesses are the same. I love the way that people need each other.

4. They say that friends are the family you choose. And this got me thinking about what it would be like if we could choose our actual biological family. It made me realise that I wouldn't have chosen mine. I'm so, so glad that this is decided for us because I would have been missing out on so much! My family are not really what you would expect I think. They seem fairly boring and bland, until you know them. The depth and the strength of the people I am related to astounds me every day. I respect them the most. I think that knowing I'm related to them makes me confident. Because there must be some part of me that is like some part of them. So I must respect some part of myself in the same way I respect them. I love you, all.
5. My art folio. I've done a few pictures lately. Man, I love drawing, it's so therapeutic! I'm still feeling the after-zen of drawing because I just finished. I'm going to post some pictures of what I've drawn, but I'm not sure why. Oh, that's right I wanted the blog and the folio to complement each other. But it's a little worrying because I don't want people to think I'm good. I'm obviously going to only post the pictures that I like. But also I don't want people to think I'm crap. Because I'm not great but I love drawing so much now that being totally terrible at it would make me sad. So just...don't judge? OK what a stupid thing to say. Try judging through a human lense. Also, I would appreciate any comments or ideas but I don't really expect them. And sozza about the dodgy quality. Okie doke, here goes:

This is the one I mentioned in an earlier post. It's just charcoal and conte. I like the way that the human body can portray emotion. This one is kind of reclusive. I'm getting better with charcoal, maybe it's my medium. I don't know. Hopefully I will, though.

And this one is just pencil. It actually looks worse than it is in this photo, but that doesn't really matter. I don't know how to put this without sounding weird...Nude is good. BAHA yeah because that sounded normal. I mean that I think the body is a very beautiful thing and nude art is really...pure? I'm not sure, but I think that bodies are very beautiful. I sound creepy now, but I mean it in a strictly non-creepy way. I'm going to stop now. Good.
6. Went shopping and bought ten albums. I love my dad. We got The Resistance, finally. And Humbug! And I really like Jack Johnson, he makes me zen. So do Angus and Julia Stone.
All rightey babes, I should go get a life now :)
"Love is our resistance."